Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Our school day!

 My husband has two weeks off this month and we are so  grateful to have time with him! We have some fun things planed, but we are just thankful to rest together as a family and do fun school activities together. Today we finished our Amphibian project. Each child got to choose witch frog they would like to study, even our three year old. He loved being able to do school like a big boy. We got to hear all the sounds that their frog makes, where it lives, what it eats, etc. They also got to make a frogs life cycle. It was great fun. I love this website for info and Ideas for Nature Studies. 

Look Here 

                              Daddy having fun!


 On another subject, the other day Alex and I picked up a new book to read together. It was in our book shelf, someone had given us and it would be our first time reading it. So, we are learning History trough living books. The Civil war era.
  Alex struggles with reading, and its his least favorite subject,( I think he is coming around) but this year is a very good year for him. I feel like he just blossomed this year! I try making reading fun with him and dedicate a half hour each day just for him and I to read. We read more then just a half an hour a day. that half hour is time only with him. We continually read throughout the day. We find a cozy spot and sit really close together and I read a paragraph and he reads a paragraph, and so forth. I find that he really gets into the story.

Alex reading!

   This little gem of a book is a true story and an  extraordinary testimony. A story of Charlie Coulson, a young drummer boy at Gettysburg, whose Christian testimony on his deathbed to an Orthodox Jewish doctor haunts that doctor throughout the coming years, until finally, years later, he surrenders his own life to Christ- all due to strong testimony of one young boy. Page 2.
  It was such a blessing to me and I always find myself weeping with these kinds of books. Character-building books. Of cores Alex is like, mom why are you crying? He probably thinks gees those women and their tears. Hehe,, I just couldn't help myself. 
  So this Doctor eventually  surrenders his life to Christ, so Amazing.. He talks about how it cost him his relationships.. His own mother, cut herself off from him saying. Max- you are no longer my son; we have buried you in effigy; we mourn you as one dead... she continues to write and as a mother myself I cant imagine the pain and heartache for me and my children. Anyway the letter he writes to his mother back completely just touched my heart.

   An Answer To My Mother's Curse
  Far away from home, my mother,
Daily I will pray for thee.
Why should I be cursed, my mother?
Why such message sent to me?
Once convinced of sin, my mother,
I cried, Jesus, set me free!
 I am happy now, my mother,
Christ, the Jew, has died for me.
Him you taught me to hate, mother,
Him you still Impostor call,
Died for me on Calvary, mother,
Died to save me from the Fall.
Let me lead you to Him, mother,
While I pray on bended knee:
Jesus, now accept my mother:
O Lord Jesus, set her free!
Be persuaded, dearest mother,
Do not now so hardened be;
Jesus Christ, the Jew's Messiah,
  Surely died for you and me.
Can you spurn such mercy, mother?
Can you turn away your face?
Come to Jesus, come dear mother,
Fly, oh fly to His embrace!
 This testimony touched my heart in such a way, I cannot explain. All I could say is Praise the Lord for the wonderful work that he does in his children.  
 Thankful to be able to teach my son with such wonderful  books.

 Are you working on a nature study? Is there a good book you are reading with your children? I would love to hear from you. 

   I leave you tonight dear friend, with a quote from Charlotte Mason.
     We should always have something worthwhile to think about, that we may not let our minds dwell upon unworthy matters. page 21. from, Ourselves.

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