Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Beauty of God's Creation!

Hope you are enjoying more of the spring weather we've been having.
 We sure have been enjoying more Nature walks and watching Little signs of spring unfold. From the melting snow and ice to little baby lambs and little baby squirrels running and playing. The birds are defiantly in abundance, and I feel so blessed to hear their morning chirp chirp. It makes me want to watch The secret Garden with the children, or even better read the lovely book. We have been reading a lot from our Science/geography book called Jack's Insects. The children have really been enjoying it and ask me to read the next chapter frequently throughout the day.. The book really pulls us in,(hehe..) in it's conversational style. Jack and Maggie are having a conversation between each other, about what it means to be an entomologist and how Maggie doesn't like that Jack kills the butterfly's. The suspense when we found out that Jack and Maggie actually went into Jacks Insect book and They met a Big Beautiful Morpho Butterfly that could talk! The Butterfly could talk.. What kid or mama wouldn't like this kind of book?! We have been studying the birds that we have local to our area. We truly enjoy bird watching. Today as we enjoyed our walk, we got to hear the sweet sound of the Red-winged blackbird. We watched carefully as the Downy Woodpecker made himself at home at the feeders. The beauty of their black and white pattern and the lovely red spot on their heads. It truly amazes me... To try to fathom what God was thinking when he created such lovely creatures. It also makes me think of nature and every living creature differently. Like as before I would think ye, birds are cool, or ye animals are animals... Now I cant help but think of my awesome creator. How majestic he is. and how sad it makes me that his creation would hurt in anyway. Is that weird? You probably think, wow, she is a little crazy. That's ok though. 
  John 1:3
 All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing that was made.

 Psalm 19:1
  To the Choirmaster. A Psalm of David. The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
  I just love that. All God's handiwork.
 Today  we got to learn a little bit about what the fish eat at our local nature center and the naturalist on staff asked if the children would like to help him feed the fish. Of cores they said yes and Alex our oldest wanted to feed the little goldfish to the big fish in the tank, but when it came down to it he said never mind. After we had left I asked, how come you changed your mind? and he said, well, I felt bad for the goldfish, and I didn't want to touch it. He always surprises me. He didn't want to hurt the gold fish.. That was very sweet.


                           Our view this morning.


                   Isaiah totally excited to run and play in the mud

Empty milkweed pods..
 Feeding the fish.
The open field.
 How are you enjoying the weather? Are you a nature lover like us? Do share with me.
 I leave you tonight with this Lovely Poem by Harry Behn.


Trees are the kindest thing I know,
They do not harm, they simply grow

And spread a shade for sleepy cows,
And gather birds among their boughs.

They give us fruit in leaves above,
And wood to make our houses of,

And leaves to burn on Hallowe'en,
And in the Spring, new buds of green.

They are first when day's begun
To touch the beams of morning sun,

They are the last to hold the light
When evening changes into night,

And when a moon floats on the sky
They hum a drowsy lullaby

Of sleepy children long ago...
Trees are the kindest things I know.


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